Monday, May 25, 2020

The Problem Of The Resistant Parent - 766 Words

The Resistant Parent Most parents struggle with their child having a mental health illness. Many parents struggle with understanding the disorder, identifying ways to alter the family dynamic while managing his or her stress. In most cases, the parents are resistant to needing to make changes in their home. There are many factors to address with dealing with a resistant parent. It is my objective to cover some of those issues in this post. Parents are an important factor in the treatment of a child or adolescent. It is important to empower them through psychoeducation. Most clients are resistant due to lack of knowledge and being marked with negative stigma of being â€Å"crazy†. The negative stigma for a parent is being marked as a â€Å"bad parent† due to their child having a mental health illness It is safe to say that many parents do not believe their children will experience a mental health illness. Most believes it is a lack of discipline for younger children. Unfortunately, many parents will compare their childhood, raising to their parenting. This is a different generation and violent times. Sometimes, parents will have needed to be reminded of the different factors affecting the generation of children. In most cases, the parenting style we grew up experiencing may not always be effective in parenting this generation of children. This information needs to be conveyed in a positive manner. HELPING PARENTS IN THERAPY Parents are in need of therapy as well. Whether theyShow MoreRelatedUnnecessary Prescription Of Antibiotics Resistant Bacteria908 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Æ' Unnecessary Prescription of Antibiotics is Present and Increases Creation of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria An increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria has been currently progressing and researchers are beginning to link the causes to the overuse of antibiotics. Studies of antibiotic overuse are few and as a result concrete information on antibiotic use in the U.S. is lacking. 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