Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Problem Research Work and Research

Question: Discuss about the Problem Research for Work and Research. Answer: Introduction This is a case showing how different cases involving rape are responded to. The first case involves a minor who is homeless and has been raped. This paper shows how the case should be reported and what should be done after reporting. Who would you report to? This case should be reported to the police and other relevant bodies that deal with sexual offences that deal with minors. The relevant decision that has been selected is to make a report about suspected risk of significant harm to the Child Protection Helpline as soonas possible, using the most direct means possible. In some instances, you will also need to arrange medicalcare and/or inform police If you have been a victim of rape or know someone who has been, and decide to make a complaint, you should know that it is essential to do so immediately (Mikkelsen, 2005). In the circumstances of the crime sooner make the decision, you will have more elements to prove it. It is also very important to know some important issues related to the medical examination and the act of denunciation. in such a case the matter should be reported to the police so that immediate action is taken to the offender. Judith is also supposed to be taken to a medical facility for medical checkup in regards to the treatment of the minor. Reasons for your report? The reasons for reporting this case are many: these include having sexual relations with a minor, rape, and violations of a persons body. As a outreach worker I have the duty to make sure that Judith is taken care of and gets medical attention. Also, I have to make sure that she gets justice and the perpetrator is brought to book.for a minor, their statement must be respected. Distrusting your saying is wrong c) How would you make the report? Since Judy has reported tohe case to me I would call the child protection helpline to report the case to them I wolud also report the case to the police and record a statement together with a statement from Judith on what transpired before, during andafter theordeal. Take the details and description of the perpetrator. . Upon identify the attacker it requires that you provide the necessary protection. Ask to be put in a place where he can not see you. This involves placing Judith in a foster home away from the place that the perpetrator of the crime cannot see you. This should also be put in the report so as to show that as aoutreach worker you did your best to protect the minor from the perpetrators. The report would also include a medical report from a doctor who examines Judith to ascertain her condition and confirm that she was indeed raped. The report should also include the state of mind of the victim showing that she was very distressed when she came to report the case to you. Also, to be included in the report is a statekment showing how you intend to follow up the case tomake sure that the victim ( Judith) gets justice. d) How quickly would youneedtomake a report a report should be made immediately or as soon as you get all the facts right. However, it shoulds not take more that 24 hours to make rthe report (Mikkelsen, 2005). It should ensure that all the details of the ordeal are captured in the report to meet the legislative threshold for 'risk of significant harm. How could you find the services to reffer the cases to? As an outreach worker I have dealt with such cases before and thuerefore I have hotline numbers used by departments that may take up the case. Such a number is Telephone 13 3627 for the child welfare unit. Complexities of the case work This case has shown that there are a lot of complexities in this case. One of the complexities is that the case must meet a legislative threshold for there to be prosecution. As a outreach officer I am more concerned with the questions that the MRG asks regarding this case. This complicates the case even more. I would seek further advice from a lawyer specifically one with legal knowlegde on such cases or cases involving sexual offences against minors. if Judith was 17 years , this case would be handled differently considering that this is a pre adult stage and would be treated differently from the way a case involving minors would be handled. The recommendation would be that the victim records a statement for herself. Part B 1.Issues concerning Amys wellbeing Kate is concerned about Amys interaction with a guy who deals with drugs and is twenty eight years old. She is also concerned that they might be having sexual relations and she may be introduced to drugs and other bad activities as a result of this relationship. 2.Information that she may need from Amy Before Kate makes a report she will need to ask whether Amy has had any sexual rwelations with her boyfriend Ali. This would form a vital part of the report and also if she has at any one time used drugs that the boyfriend deals with. skills needed by Kate Critical thinking is one of the skill sets that Kate needs to have because this will help her identify the best solution and how to approach such a case (Williams, 2001). Judgement and decision making is also another skill that to chose the most appropriate action to take. Active listening is also another skill that she needs to understand Amy and ask her appropriate questions.communication skills to convince Amy that what she is doing is not right and finally report writing skills. Grounds to report The grounds to report this case are many one being that the boy friend( Ali )is a drug dealer who is twice her age. Another reason is that Ali the boyfriend is taking her nude pictures and they are not sure how he intends to use them. How to make the reoprt. The report would be made after capturing all these details that Amy has provided. Also, the recommendations and actions to be taken. How quickly would you need to make the report. This report should be made immediately to notify the right authorities on this case. References Mikkelsen, B. (2005). Methods for development work and research. New Delhi: SAGE Publications. Williams, M. (2001). Rape. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press.

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