Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bullying in School Has Become Serious Issue Essay Example

Bullying in School Has Become Serious Issue Essay Example Bullying in School Has Become Serious Issue Essay Bullying in School Has Become Serious Issue Essay Essay Topic: Middle School Is bullying a part of a more normal aspect of children’s behavior? Has bulling become a more serious problem? The answer is yes! I remember that at one point in my middle school years, I was bullied. Fortunately it didn’t get too serious because my parents moved me from the school I was attending. Not everyone has that luck. CNN reported Just prior to his death he was stripped nude, tied up and again placed into a trashcan, (Kuo, 2011, para. 4). This happened to Jon Carmichael, 13, who committed suicide, hanging himself after being bullied. Bullying is defined as when a teen’s behavior is purposefully meant to harm or disturb another child, when it occurs repeatedly over time. Further, bullying behaviors include anything from verbal belittling regarding race, looks or speech, hitting, pushing or slapping. It also includes rumors, sexual comments or gestures. Many argue that there is no real way to prevent bullying. Kids will be kids and that is all there is to it. But, because of the incredibly negative effects that have recently been found to occur to the victims of bullying, there has been an active effort to limit bullying. The solutions are easy ones, and easy to practice. Often times, students fall victim to the bystander effect, simply by letting the bullying occur. It is in the hands of the kids and the teachers. The teachers need to listen and watch. They have to pick up on the clues that a child is being bullied. As for students, to embrace the victim is to tell the bully that what they are doing is unacceptable. The bully will stop if the bully knows that they are not getting the kind of attention they sought through bullying. It is a group effort, and an effort that is worth it. According to Indicators of School Crime Safety, bullying continues to be a serious problem, particularly in middle schools, where 10% of students in grades 6 and 7 reported to be bullied, compared to 5% of students in grades 8 and 9, (Indicators of School Crime Safety, 2000, p. 13). Parents also have to get involved in the situation. First, listen to your child. Many fail to do this. Just talking about the problem and knowing that you care can be helpful and comforting. Make sure that your child knows that you do not blame or feel disappointed in him or her. Encourage your child not to retaliate against the bully or to let the bully see how much he or she has upset your child. Getting a response just reinforces the bullying behavior. Tell your child that if at all possible, he or she should stay calm and respond evenly or firmly. Some children find it works to just say nothing and walk away. At other times, it can be more effective to make a joke, laugh at oneself, or to use humor to defuse the situation. Finally, encourage your child to go immediately to a teacher, principal or any other nearby adult. Bullied victims should be encouraged to form strong friendships. Those who have loyal friends are less likely to be singled out by a bully. So, yes! Bullying has become a serious problem that can lead to death. It is important for parents, teachers and principals to increase supervision on students. Parents need to know who their child is spending time with. Schools need an anonymous hotline line, in which students can report any bullying. If the bullying continues, you need to seek help for your child. Without intervention, bullying can lead to serious academic, social, emotional and legal difficulties. Talk to your childs pediatrician, teacher, principal, school counselor, or your family physician. If the bullying continues, a comprehensive evaluation by a child and adolescent psychiatrist or other mental health professional should be arranged. The evaluation can help you and your child understand what is causing the bullying and help you develop a plan to stop the destructive behavior.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Estimating Oil and Gas Volumes Using Structure Contour Maps Essays

Estimating Oil and Gas Volumes Using Structure Contour Maps Essays Estimating Oil and Gas Volumes Using Structure Contour Maps Paper Estimating Oil and Gas Volumes Using Structure Contour Maps Paper The estimation of oil and gas reserves is a completely complex process which involves the integration of geological, geophysical, reservoir and production engineering data. In order to arrive at the most likely reserves, the reserves are estimated by using deterministic and probabilistic methods as there are various uncertainties that are involved in the estimating the reserves. In defining the hydrocarbon, Reserves refers to the quantities of oil and gas which can be commercially recovered from a given date forward whereas Resources are the reserves plus additional oil and gas that cannot be produced due to techno-economic factors. In the different stages of a field exploration and developments there are different reserves estimate methods that are generally used at the respective stages. One of the methods which is generally used from when the field is discovered up to when it is abandoned is the Oil and Gas-Len- Place method at surface conditions. As usually only some of the oil and gas-in?place can be recovered, therefore the total oil and gas-in-place must be multiplied by a certain recovery factor which depends on the individual field. Moreover, when oil and gas are brought to the surface it shrinks and expands respectively. Therefore if the surface volume of the in-place oil and gas were to be calculated, the Formation Volume Factor which accounts for the shrinkage and expansion factors, should be vided and multiplied respectively for the oil and gas. At 1280 ms is the lowest tested oil. IP category is where there is 90% confidence. For UP Oil Reserve so-pay, the Iso- pay value within the entire gas cap is mm and falls to zero at 1300 ms which is at ten 011-water contact penning on ten structural Tall. A a ten UP 011 Reserve has an so-pay value of mm in the entire gas cap area and reduces to zero at 1380 ms which is at the last closed contour depending also on the structural fall. The UP and UP categories have 50% and 10% confidence associated with them respectively. After the so-pay contours are constructed, the area between two respective ISO-pay contours is estimated by means of drawing the contours on a tracing paper and by inspecting the area by means of an underlying graph paper in units of centimeter square (CM). Once the area between the two ISO-pay contours has been estimated ND converted into kilometer-square (km) according to the given scale, the rock volume is estimated by multiplying the area converted to meter-square (mm) by the average thickness in meters (m) between the two so-Pay contour values. The above is done for all the IP Gas Reserve so-pay and the 1 P, UP and UP Oil Reserve so-pays. An example of the above is as follows. The diagram above shows the 1 P so-pay contour map of the Gas Cap. Figure 1: IP gas so-pay contour map As explained before the so-pay value ranges from zero to fifteen which depends on the structural gain which was from (1220 to 1205 ms). The three areas are divided into Area A, B and C respectively. Therefore in order to find the rock volume between the 15 and 10 so-pay values (Area B), the area between them is first calculated.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Camparative Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Camparative Politics - Essay Example This paper examines and compares the political, economic and security system in United States with Japan and Canada. The United States is the leading military and economic power in the world, and it has an overwhelming and unrivaled global influence in the globe. Economically, United States gross domestic product is about a quarter of the total countries in the world. In addition, the country’s military expenditure is almost equivalent to the total defense budgets in the rest of the world. Besides the overwhelming economic and security influence of the United States to the rest of the world, the country plays a major role in influencing entertainment and sports industries in the globe (Dan and Robert pp56-59). Lincoln (41) traces the political and economic system in the United States to the American Revolution that separated the country from the British colonial power. United States drafted the country’s constitution in 1787, which Upham (15) attributes to the firm economic and political foundation. According to Upham (27), the constitution is the shortest in the world and it has undergone just twenty-seven amendments since it was drafted. The constitution established federal government that decentralized power in the country since its enforcement. The United States government structure comprises of three branches that exercise high level of autonomy from each other. Equally important, the constitution established a system of checks and balances, which ensures that none of the three established branches rules over the others. This system has nurtured a democratic and open society that ensures that the American citizens enjoy their constitutional rights in the country (Newman 18) The three branches of the American government include the executive, judiciary and the legislative branch. The president of the United States holds the executive